Because of Schwab's meeting w/ a rabbi on 9/11 morning at his synagogue in Manhattan, I'd thought it was a slam dunk Klaus was a Jew. But the mysterious genealogy presented here and a deeper look into the business agenda of the interfaith meeting call my jury back to deliberation. Of course either way, he's not doing anything to oppose the JWO.

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For all I know, the information could all be fake. There's not a single record directly about Klaus -- relatives or supposed relatives, yes, but I could find no record about him. Any search in genealogy sites goes blank. So, it is possible that his origins are completely different. I thought Miles Mathis had written about it (he usually does this kind of genealogy stuff) but it seems he didn't really, there's just a paper from a guest writer who doesn't say much. Anyway, I think Klaus is just a sideshow, an actor playing the "bad guy". He's far from being the leader of the cabal, if such a thing exists.

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Well said. He's not in charge. I think all administrators are well-paid political puppets.

Miles Mathis is quite interesting. My opinion is that he's controlled and sometimes he's brilliant, even mind blowing, but sometimes ridiculous (like w/ JFK). My main objection is that he doesn't seem real. To be a polymath, to have all those skills and different interests, smells like Team Work. Work, as in, not a shoot (real) but a work (contrivance) for the audience. Those are terms from pro-wrestling parlance. Before I was conspiracy oriented I followed wrestling "cheat sheets" and learned about the carny kayfabe language.

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Yes, I like Miles Mathis but sometimes I wonder. A political essayist, a scientist, and a talented artist too? It seems too much for just one guy supposedly in the middle of nowhere. Then, he writes some interesting and plausible stuff, followed by stuff that is just silly. But I guess all "conspiracy theorists" are like that, they tend to go overboard at one or another point, mixing truth with more speculative/unprovable stuff, perhaps it's unavoidable...

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I don't see him linked by anyone who writes a conspiracy blog/book or an alt-science one either, only by people in the comments section. That's only one guy's experience but odd considering when he's hot, he's smoking hot. For instance re Manson, I recently read the highly touted book by Tom O'Neill, Chaos, and it paled by comparison to MM. His analysis of the Polanski/Tate crime scene photos made O'Neill's revelations and Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood film seem like limited hangout. You'd think the anti-hippie Laurel Canyon/ crowd would embrace it.

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