Tom, a belated thank you for this wonderful post. I loved your description of the Latin mass - especially since I've never experienced one myself. Really refreshing to read on Easter Sunday.
I'm not sure if you keep up with the Canadian MSM, but the Globe & Mail didn't run a single headline acknowledging Easter. Big surprise.
Great to see that writers like you are filling in the void.
Thank you. I don't know if you're Catholic, but I think it's interesting to hear at least once a Latin Mass, if you can. There's not many places where they have them.
I was brought up Ukrainian Catholic (which, confusingly, is not the same thing as Greek Orthodox - I'll spare you the details). Like you, though, I am not "religious." (That being said, I am a great fan of Jesus the Christ.)
The traditional Ukrainian Catholic mass actually bears some similarities to the Latin mass - lots of singing (but in a kind of funeral-dirge Ukrainian), very ornate vestments, and the priest faces the altar (instead of the congregation). I attended a fair few of those as a child - at that time, I have to say they were episodes to be endured.
As an adult, I have had occasional experiences in small churches - chapels, I suppose, like the one you described - that felt much more spiritual than what I experienced growing up.
Nowadays, I live in a very isolated area, and I "don't get out much," but if I ever get the opportunity to attend a Latin mass, I will.
In the meantime, I will try to make it more of a habit to enjoy the "church" that is all around me. God loves a walk in the woods.
Understandable dreams can be a bit foggy, when you try to remember details when you're awake.
Hopefully, it's just an impression. I know part of my worried started in high school when I learned Geoffrey Chaucer died before he could complete Canterbury Tales.
I suppose there are introverts and extroverts among the trans people. Drag queens identify as queens, definitely extrovert. But I met a young man on vacation who joined our sight-seeing excursion and for the first couple of hours I had no inkling he was transvestite. Then something clicked and I began to scrutinize his appearance and soon enough was sure he was passing as female. Not ostentatious, not overdoing it, dressed modestly, just wanting to be accepted in his role playing. Contrast that w/ the transgenders you see on TikTok. They have the vain mentality of drag queens w/o the talent and practice.
As I said, this whole transgender craze is manufactured from above, so it is possible that some of the wildest transgenders more in the media eye are just actors playing a "crazy transgender" part. Especially those playing women's sports. Where do these people come from?
I'm certainly not discounting trans social engineering, even trans sports engineering. I believe the latter kicked off the whole movement when Bruce Jenner popped up. Jenner was a major athlete before becoming/identifying as trans. Likewise w/ other transgressive sports crossovers. I believe they are real athletes, real people who were not top in their field but saw an opportunity to claim attention and glory that had been denied to them.
Were any of them taught their roles, given their lines before diving into the pool? Could be that some were. Jenner must have been. He was of supreme value because if the world's most accomplished masculine sports star could go trans, why can't you?
But I would suggest there is a pool of these frustrated, competitive male athletes who are willing to undergo some struggle and opprobrium to reap rewards. They are not the same as crisis actors who may or may not be duped into a hoax situation. They're not even good actors, and don't aspire to be anything more than extras, bit players, faces in the crowd.
I guess what I'm saying is that the male trans athletes are more like drag queens w/o the frills. They want the attention. There's an underlying psychological condition which is being fed.
Tom, a belated thank you for this wonderful post. I loved your description of the Latin mass - especially since I've never experienced one myself. Really refreshing to read on Easter Sunday.
I'm not sure if you keep up with the Canadian MSM, but the Globe & Mail didn't run a single headline acknowledging Easter. Big surprise.
Great to see that writers like you are filling in the void.
Thank you. I don't know if you're Catholic, but I think it's interesting to hear at least once a Latin Mass, if you can. There's not many places where they have them.
I was brought up Ukrainian Catholic (which, confusingly, is not the same thing as Greek Orthodox - I'll spare you the details). Like you, though, I am not "religious." (That being said, I am a great fan of Jesus the Christ.)
The traditional Ukrainian Catholic mass actually bears some similarities to the Latin mass - lots of singing (but in a kind of funeral-dirge Ukrainian), very ornate vestments, and the priest faces the altar (instead of the congregation). I attended a fair few of those as a child - at that time, I have to say they were episodes to be endured.
As an adult, I have had occasional experiences in small churches - chapels, I suppose, like the one you described - that felt much more spiritual than what I experienced growing up.
Nowadays, I live in a very isolated area, and I "don't get out much," but if I ever get the opportunity to attend a Latin mass, I will.
In the meantime, I will try to make it more of a habit to enjoy the "church" that is all around me. God loves a walk in the woods.
Happy Easter! I do know the Cyrillic alphabet if you need help in deciphering what he wrote in the dream, I could help.
Dreams are an interesting subject matter all to there own.
The second dream did kind of resonate with me because I am an artist with auburn hair that will be 32 next year.
I have had the feeling for years now that my time is running out, so maybe that is why, your dream feels relevant.
Thanks! But I can't remember what was written. :D As for the "time running out" thing, I hope it's just an impression... Happy Easter!
Understandable dreams can be a bit foggy, when you try to remember details when you're awake.
Hopefully, it's just an impression. I know part of my worried started in high school when I learned Geoffrey Chaucer died before he could complete Canterbury Tales.
Well, Chaucer lived up to about 60 years of age, which wasn't bad for the 1300s. Are you from England? Thanks.
True, although it did make me aware of the untold stories. No I am from the Pacific Northwest of the US.
Calculating the date in your dream puts the 32 your old's death at 2022, so she might represent your muse or peace of mind.
I know 2022 impacted my creativity.
I suppose there are introverts and extroverts among the trans people. Drag queens identify as queens, definitely extrovert. But I met a young man on vacation who joined our sight-seeing excursion and for the first couple of hours I had no inkling he was transvestite. Then something clicked and I began to scrutinize his appearance and soon enough was sure he was passing as female. Not ostentatious, not overdoing it, dressed modestly, just wanting to be accepted in his role playing. Contrast that w/ the transgenders you see on TikTok. They have the vain mentality of drag queens w/o the talent and practice.
As I said, this whole transgender craze is manufactured from above, so it is possible that some of the wildest transgenders more in the media eye are just actors playing a "crazy transgender" part. Especially those playing women's sports. Where do these people come from?
I'm certainly not discounting trans social engineering, even trans sports engineering. I believe the latter kicked off the whole movement when Bruce Jenner popped up. Jenner was a major athlete before becoming/identifying as trans. Likewise w/ other transgressive sports crossovers. I believe they are real athletes, real people who were not top in their field but saw an opportunity to claim attention and glory that had been denied to them.
Were any of them taught their roles, given their lines before diving into the pool? Could be that some were. Jenner must have been. He was of supreme value because if the world's most accomplished masculine sports star could go trans, why can't you?
But I would suggest there is a pool of these frustrated, competitive male athletes who are willing to undergo some struggle and opprobrium to reap rewards. They are not the same as crisis actors who may or may not be duped into a hoax situation. They're not even good actors, and don't aspire to be anything more than extras, bit players, faces in the crowd.
I guess what I'm saying is that the male trans athletes are more like drag queens w/o the frills. They want the attention. There's an underlying psychological condition which is being fed.