Tom, reading your posts is like sitting down with a great cup of coffee in a tiny unknown cafe. Thank you.

One of the many things that struck me in this post was the comment you made about AI taking all the work away from translators. I have been both amazed and disturbed by this phenomenon.

On the one hand, it is terribly convenient to be able to throw text into Google Translate and get at least a reasonable translation back very quickly. On the other hand, I wonder about the nuances and intricacies that are lost in a such a computerized process.

A particular translation of The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali was recently recommended by one of my favourite bloggers. I took a quick look at it and compared it to another translation I already own. Both versions were from very trustworthy, knowledgeable sources, and each was valuable in its own right in terms of distilling Patanjali's ancient wisdom from the original Sanskrit. And yet there were obvious differences between the two, as well.

It really made me think about what we are losing if we become overly dependent on AI-generated information. Certainly none of it will ever make me feel like I'm sitting down with a great cuppa in a quite little cafe.

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