Talking about the problem foreign immigration causes to the local population without acknowledging that foreign practices, past and present, by local companies abroad produce the very same phenomenon locals resent is, at best, shortsighted.
Just one example from the many that one could draw from current state of the world: see how tight Finnish government care for Finnish forests while they do not give a dime about South American forests as long as Finnish companies take advantage of them for the pulp and other wood goods.
You are right stating immigration creates havoc into local societies but rejecting it without considering that local people is taking advantages from resources coming from immigrants' land does not consider the issue as a whole.
Talking about the problem foreign immigration causes to the local population without acknowledging that foreign practices, past and present, by local companies abroad produce the very same phenomenon locals resent is, at best, shortsighted.
Just one example from the many that one could draw from current state of the world: see how tight Finnish government care for Finnish forests while they do not give a dime about South American forests as long as Finnish companies take advantage of them for the pulp and other wood goods.
You are right stating immigration creates havoc into local societies but rejecting it without considering that local people is taking advantages from resources coming from immigrants' land does not consider the issue as a whole.